News Archive

  1. Guv, at odds with most Utahns, backs civil unions for gays - Unlikely Ally - Huntsman also supports other gay-rights bills, but they may be long shots. [International News] - Issued 9 Feb 2009
  2. Civil Rights in the Courts - A changing legal landscape [International News] - Issued 7 Feb 2009
  3. Wyoming Gay Marriage Ban Bill Dies [International News] - Issued 7 Feb 2009
  4. IHRC releases Discussion Document on Civil Partnership Bill [Irish News] - Issued 6 Feb 2009
  5. California court to hear gay marriage case March 5 [International News] - Issued 4 Feb 2009
  6. Work on gay rights just getting started [International News] - Issued 29 Jan 2009
  7. Same-Sex Couples And Their Families Should Have Same Legal Protections And Benefits As Married Heterosexuals [International News] - Issued 28 Jan 2009
  8. Swedes Unveil Gay Marriage Bill [International News] - Issued 22 Jan 2009
  9. Hawaii lawmakers to consider gaming, gay marriage [International News] - Issued 21 Jan 2009
  10. Global LGBT Youth Network Launched [International News] - Issued 20 Jan 2009
  11. EU parliament calls for recognition of gay unions [Irish News] - Issued 18 Jan 2009
  12. Resolution at EU Parliament, Wednesday 14 January 2009 [International News] - Issued 14 Jan 2009
  13. Who voted for Prop 8 [International News] - Issued 14 Jan 2009
  14. Norway's last civil partnership [International News] - Issued 13 Jan 2009
  15. Right to Same Sex Marriage Petition - LGBT Network [International News] - Issued 13 Jan 2009
(587 items)