MarriagEquality Co-chair sets out case for gay and lesbian marriage
4 Mar 2008
MarriagEquality Co-chair, Grainne Healy, refuted claims by Patricia Casey of the Iona Institute regarding the suitability of gay and lesbian couples as parents to their children.
Grainne's letter in The Irish Times in response to Patricia Casey (herself criticising an article written by MarriagEquality members Paula Fagan and Denise Charlton) is set-out below, or available here (subs required).
Madam, - Patricia Casey (March 3rd) cites two international studies to support her argument against allowing gay and lesbian people to marry, on the basis of their unsuitability as parents.
In that regard, could I refer her to studies by: the American Academy of Paediatrics; the American Psychological Association; the Australian Psychological Association; the Canadian Psychological Association; the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK); the National Association of Social Workers (USA); and the American Psychiatric Association, among many many others, all of which state that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are in no way disadvantaged.
In fact, these studies reveal that the fears raised by opponents of gay and lesbian marriage in regard to parenting have no basis in reality whatsoever.
I recognise that for many Irish people, the idea of gay and lesbian couples raising children might be a new one. But the fact remains that for many years same sex couples have been parenting and raising children in loving, secure, and stable homes.
These children are denied the rights to have their parents recognised in law in the same way that applies to heterosexual parents.
The only way to address this is to legislate for civil marriage for gay and lesbian people to give them the same rights as opposite sex couples. In that way, both parents and children will be protected in law.
Patricia Casey may cite selective pieces of research to back up her case, but the net result of her argument would leave children and parents abandoned and outside the law.
Is that really what she wants? - Yours, etc,
c/o Hogan Ave,
Dublin 2.