New poll shows growing support for marriage for gay & lesbian people

1 Apr 2008

A new poll shows an increase in the number of people who believe that gay and lesbian people should be allowed to marry rather than just form civil partnerships, as currently proposed by the Government.

The national poll, which was carried out by Lansdowne Market Research for MarriagEquality shows that 58% of people are of the view that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry in a registry office, and half that number, 26%, are of the view that they should be allowed to form civil partnerships but not marry.

This shows a swing in favour of civil marriage since a poll carried out in November 2006, again by Lansdowne, for the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN). Then, 51% of respondents agreed that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry and 33% agreed that they should be allowed to form civil partnerships.

The new MarriagEquality poll also shows that six out of 10 people (61%) agree that it is unfair that gay and lesbian people are excluded from getting married in a registry office. In addition, an overwhelming 86% of people agree that children of gay and lesbian parents should have the same family rights as other children.

According to Grainne Healy, co-chair of MarriagEquality, the latest poll is evidence of a consistent emerging demand amongst Irish people for full equality for gay and lesbian people. MarriagEquality is working for civil marriage for gay and lesbian people.

"We have been saying that there is a demand for marriage equality for gay and lesbian people. This national poll, carried out by a respected research company, is data based proof of our own anecdotal evidence," said Healy.

"Significantly, it underlines a consistent and positive trend over two years. When we compare these results with previous research and polls carried out since February 2006 we see that attitudes have stayed consistent, and that they are positive and growing in support."

The Government is proposing to introduce draft legislation on civil partnership soon after the Dail reconvenes this Tuesday. According to Healy, this latest poll indicates that the people may be ahead of Government thinking on this issue.

"While civil partnership will indeed satisfy the needs of some couples, it will not satisfy the needs of couples who want to get married. The Government has been saying that Irish people are not ready for civil marriage for gay and lesbian couples. This poll and previous polls clearly indicate otherwise, however."

The Lansdowne poll for MarriagEquality, which took place March 4-16, surveyed a representative sample of 1,000 people throughout the country.

Consistent Public Support - The Story So Far

March 2008
Research by Lansdowne Market Research for MarriagEquality
84% in favour of civil marriage or civil partnership.
58% believe that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry in a registry office.
26% believe that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to form civil partnerships.
61% agree that it is unfair that gay men and women are excluded from getting married in a registry office.

November 2006
Research by Lansdowne Market Research for GLEN
84% in favour of civil marriage or civil partnership
51% believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.
33% believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil partnerships.

October 2006
Sunday Tribune Opinion Poll carried out by Millward Brown IMS
64% believe that same-sex couples should have the same legal and financial rights as married couples.

February 2006
Irish Examiner Poll carried out by RedC
51% of the national population is in favour of gay unions/marriages.