How far would you go for MarriagEquality?

10 Apr 2008

MARIAMARATHON Maria Torres (right) completes the Connemarathon in aid of MarriagEquality, April 2008.

Congratulations go to, Maria Torres, who successfully completed the Connemarathon half-marathon last weekend in aid of MarriagEquality.

MarriagEquality would like to thank Maria for her fundraising efforts. We would also like to encourage anyone else who wishes to raise funds for our efforts to achieve access to civil marriage for gay and lesbian people to undertake similar activities!

With this in mind, we hope to have a team of runners taking-part in this year's Women's Mini-Marathin in Dublin on Bank Holiday Monday in June.

If interested, please contact Moninne Griffith, MarriagEquality Co-ordinator, at 087 932 1329, for more information.