Jean Webster & Laurie Burke - August's MarriagEquality Advocates of the Month
29 Jul 2009
The fourth recipients of MarriagEquality's Advocate of the Month are synonymous with the famously coined phrase, 'one for all, and all for one'. This months advocate is in fact a couple who work as one to help bring the issue of marriage equality to new heights in their hometown of Waterford.
Jean Webster and Laurie Burke have worked tirelessly over the past year to further the MarriagEquality cause. They recently held a Wedding Breakfast (see and raised €700 for MarriagEquality.
In tandem with Waterford Pride Jean and Laurie are hosting workshops to equip people with the knowledge and expertise to visit their local TD and ask for civil marriage rights.
Jean and Laurie, thanks so much for everything! It's so important to MarriagEquality that the work we do isn't Dublin focussed and having amazing champions like you in Waterford is wonderful!
And so to the August MarriagEquality Advocates of the Month, we raise our glasses!