MarriagEquality's September Advocate of the Month
8 Sep 2009

Colm O'Gorman, human rights and social justice campaigner, and Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland, is MarriagEquality's September Advocate of the Month.
Colm has been a strong advocate of civil marriage for same-sex couples for numerous years and a supporter of MarriagEquality from day one. Colm's name has been appearing more regularly in all spectrums of media on this subject which is so close to all our hearts.
This increased action and advocacy is in part due to the 2008 Amnesty motion that put "...into action its policy of support for equal access to civil marriage for same-sex couples..."
Colm's involvement in this area can also be attributed to his 10 year relationship with the man he loves, and the two children they are raising together. A model family in all respects.
Regardless of the why's, the fact is that Colm is passionate and uncompromising in his quest to secure equality for lesbians and gay men in Ireland and abroad.
Colm's "abiding belief in the power of advocacy and activism, which challenges all of us to use our individual and collective voices to demand change where it is most needed," should act as a lesson to us all. If we have a belief in what we want, and if our individual and collective goal is marriage equality, then that is what we will get.
Go raibh mile maith agat Colm.