Thank you to Running Amach!
14 Jan 2011
Marriage Equality would like to extend a huge thank you to Running Amach, who recently donated 500 euro to help us in our efforts to win marriage equality for same sex couples and our families.
A bit about Running Amach:
"Running Amach is a Social Networking Club for LGBTQ women in Ireland. But....we also support political causes & equality issues for our community. We commend Marriage Equality for the progress they have made with this rights campaign in Ireland. We thank them for their leadership with this issue. As mothers, sisters, daughters, & partners.... we expect equality in Ireland for ourselves, our children and our families. We want the right to have a Civil Marriage like other members of society. We are delighted with the positive changes that are happening in Ireland, for our community. You can depend on our support, while we pursue having all of our equality rights met, together."
Thank you to all the club members for your continued support!