Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti seeks couples

8 Feb 2011

Publication cover - Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti - 2010 Cover image for Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti - 2010

Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti is an LGBTE (E stands for hEtersosexual) Association committed to enhancing LGBT Rights, trans rights and sexual rights (see attached file for more information) in Italy.

Over the past few years, they have conducted an important marriage equality campaign, called "Affermazione Civile" (Civil Affirmation)

Together with Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBT - Rete Lenford (the association of Italian lawyers for LGBT rights) Certi Diritti have contacted and helped a number of couples to ask their City Councils to put up their banns and then to formally oppose the subsequent refusal.

Affermazione Civile has led to a ruling by the Italian Constitutional Court that has increased the opportunity to move on to other strategic litigations.

Now, after the recent ban on same-sex marriage by the French Constitutional Court, Certi Diritti are hoping to involve couples living abroad into "Affermazione Civile". Through strategic litigation, they hope to show that couples living abroad are discriminated against by Italy because their marriage / civil union / partnership is not recognized in Italy.

Certi Diritti are asking any couples who would be willing to take part in this strategic litigation process to contact them as soon as possible. Although they prefer that at least one of the partners is Italian, it is not a mandatory requirement, as any European citizen may be discriminated against by Italy.

Any couple willing to contact us can write directly to