LGBT Parenthood Survey
21 Jun 2011
The LGBT Parenthood Survey is seeking to identify the experiences and needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents and those planning to be parents in Ireland. This is the first time that a study of this nature has been carried out in Ireland and our aim is to build up a picture of these experiences so that we can inform service provision and policy changes for LGBT parents and those planning to be parents.
The findings from the survey will be published and widely disseminated to Government and relevant State bodies, NGOs and advocacy groups, both mainstream and LGBT, to assist them in effecting positive change for LGBT parents and those planning parenthood. The study findings will be shared with all LGBT organisations in Ireland and in particular support groups and organisations to assist them in meeting the needs of the communit
We are currently looking for participants to complete an anonymous survey.
You are invited to participate if you:
- Identity as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person.
- Are a parent or you are planning to be a parent. (The term parent includes biological and non-biological parents, guardians, adoptive parents and foster parents, living with or separately from our child/children of all ages)
- Aged 18 years and over
- Living in the Republic of Ireland
You cannot be identified by this survey and all of the information you give us will be anonymous and confidential.
How can I participate?
If you are interested in participating, there are two ways that you can complete the survey. You can click here to fill in the survey online. Or you can download a copy of the anonymous survey which you can then fill in and return by email or by post.
If you wish to receive the survey by post, please give us a mailing address to post the survey to you or if you are interested in taking part in a more in-depth interview with our researchers, you can input your details by clicking here
If you would like to contact us about the survey please email us on email address or you can telephone us on 086 347 8037.
Find out more about LGBT Diversity
This research study has been commissioned by the LGBT Diversity programme: Building Sustainable LGBT Communities.