Marriage Equality's August Advocate of the Month
3 Aug 2011

This month we're delighted to recognise the hard work and dedication of Barbara Hughes - a long-time Marriage Equality supporter.
Barbara has been a volunteer with Marriage Equality since June 2009. She initially worked on our phone lines as part of our 'Out to your TD' campaign. As a Marriage Equality volunteer, she played a key role in encouraging people to visit their TDs to tell their stories and highlight the importance of marriage equality.
Since then she has continued to be involved with Marriage Equality on an ongoing basis, helping out with events and different projects with the organisation.
Most recently, she was an integral part our presence at Dublin Pride and delivered a rousing "Almost There!" speech to cheering crowds at the after party at the Civic Offices on the Quays.
Barbara is a passionate advocate of marriage equality and we're delighted to have her as part of our team!
"I suppose the way I feel about marriage equality is the way I feel about any inequality or injustice... It upsets me to think that my family and friends get preferential treatment under our laws because they love those of the opposite sex when the love I feel for my girlfriend is just as authentic and just as legitimate - that is why I fight. Marriage Equality provides excellent resources for us to tell our stories to our TDs etc and I feel it is important for us all to do exactly that and show that we are just like everybody else - teaching the incoming young people of this country that it is not ok to discriminate because of whom we love. Thank you Marriage Equality for this great honour - your endless inspiration keeps me fighting!"
Click below to watch Barbara's "Almost There!" speech at Dublin Pride 2011.