Marriage Equality welcomes 73% public support for same-sex marriages in the Constitution
23 Feb 2012
Marriage Equality today welcomed the results of a new Red C poll which indicated that 73% of voters believe same-sex marriages should be allowed in the Constitution. The survey follows yesterday's news that the Government will soon issue draft proposals for the make-up of the Constitutional Convention pledged in the Programme for Government last year. The Convention will consider, among other issues, the provision of marriage equality for same-sex couples.
"The results of today's Red C poll are vitally important," said Marriage Equality Director Moninne Griffith. "It shows that not only are Irish people in favour of marriage equality, but they are also in favour of its inclusion in our Constitution. That is a huge step forward in our work to achieve equality for same-sex couples and families all over Ireland."
"We will be engaging fully with the Constitutional Convention and we look forward to engaging in debate with the members of the Convention, and other stakeholders, as to how marriage equality can be introduced as quickly as possible," added Ms Griffith. "With 73% of the population in favour of allowing marriage equality in the Constitution, the Irish people are clearly ready for marriage equality."