Marriage Equality Statement in response to Publication of General Scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014
31 Jan 2014
Thursday, 30th January 2014.
Marriage Equality welcomes the announcement that Alan Shatter T.D., Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence has published a general scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014. The draft bill is a positive move towards recognising and protecting the multitude of family forms who live in Ireland today.
Marriage Equality commends the work of Minister Shatter, his department and the Government in producing such a progressive, if not over due, bill. Marriage Equality welcomes the bill’s inclusion of adoption for civilly partnered couples.
On Tuesday 21st January, 2014 Marriage Equality hosted a conference LGBT Parenting in Ireland during which Irish and international experts provided evidence based research supporting the need to legislate for LGBT families with children in Ireland. This bill, if enacted, will support the families discussed during the conference.
Further information on the conference and research can be obtained from the following press release;
Ends/ For further information please contact Andrew Hyland, 087 9088 322.