Let's make history and share the freedom to marry
22 Mar 2015
Sunday, 22nd March 2015: Yes Equality: The Campaign for Civil Marriage Equality today welcomes the launch of Amnesty International’s #letsmakehistory campaign. On May 22nd Irish voters will be asked to make history and share their freedom to marry. Yes Equality encourages groups and individuals from all parts of Ireland to join Amnesty as well as trade unions, youth groups, faith based groups and many more to campaign for a Yes vote. Individuals interested in mobilising at a local level can contact one of the 40 Yes Equality groups across Ireland. More information and an interactive map is available on www.yesequality.ie.
Grainne Healy, Yes Equality spokesperson commented, “There are now eight weeks until the people of Ireland will decide if we want to make history voting Yes and sharing their freedom to marry with lesbian and gay people. We ask to share the freedom to marry because we value marriage and know its significance. We also know that Irish people are fair minded and their instincts tell them that voting yes is the right thing to do.”
Healy concluded, “This is a people’s referendum and as such we need every Yes supporter to get involved. The spontaneous explosion of support from individuals and organisations across Ireland is hugely empowering and is evidence that Irish society in all its diversity is coming together with us, to stand on the bridge of equality – the bridge that unites us. Amnesty as a human rights defender will be a significant player to help secure marriage equality in Ireland.”
Yes Equality: The Campaign for Civil Marriage Equality is a new independent nationwide civil society organisation created to coordinate and lead the campaign to win the Marriage Equality Referendum on May 22nd. There are over 40 Yes Equality groups in every county in Ireland. More information is available on www.yesequality.ie.
Media Contact: Andrew Hyland, 087 908 8322 / andrew@yesequality.ie