Yes Equality statement responding to NYCI advocating for Yes vote in Marriage Referendum
12 May 2015
Yes Equality welcome the news that the National Youth Council of Ireland* has confirmed its support for a Yes vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum following a ballot of its members.
James Doorley, NYCI Deputy Director said, “This is about equality for LGBT young people, volunteers and staff in youth organisations. The referendum is an opportunity to send a strong message to young people across Ireland that they are valued equally…”
Grainne Healy, Yes Equality spokesperson said, “The Marriage Referendum presents Irish people with a rare opportunity to send a powerful message to all young people that they are equally cherished and valued. The NYCI represents 380,000 young people many of whom will benefit from the knowledge that in the outcome of a Yes vote, they will feel safe, secure, loved and equal regardless of their sexuality. They will be equal to their brothers, sisters and friends in having the choice to marry the person they love.
“The National Youth Council of Ireland joins an ever growing number of youth and children’s rights organisations who are calling for a Yes vote in the Marriage Referendum. We now have the ISPCC, Barnardos, Foróige, Youth Work Ireland, the Children’s Rights Alliance and Belong To, combined with the NYCI advocating for a Yes vote.
“This referendum has engaged young people more than any other political issue in recent times. Their votes will be crucial in winning this referendum.”
Also commenting, Michael Barron, Founding Director, Belong To said, “Securing marriage equality is hugely important for LGBT young people, in particular.
“We ask youth services to support young people to talk about the importance of this referendum. It’s so important that they are empowered to bring their friends and families with this on this journey to equality.”
Editors Notes
*The National Youth Council of Ireland is the representative body of youth organisations whose 1,400 staff and 40,000 volunteers work with over 380,000 young people nationwide.