Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan launches your Yes Matters campaign
17 May 2015
Today, Sunday 17th May 2015, Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan launched the Yes Equality Your Yes Matters get out the vote campaign, the largest ever get out the vote operation for a referendum. Today sees the launch of the first part of this initiative – the rollout of the www.getmetothevoteontime.com.
Saoirse Ronan, Oscar nominee said:
“I’m voting YES because I want to live in a country that is just, equal and fair for all the citizens of Ireland. May 22 brings a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my generation to shape the Ireland we want to live in.”
Brian Sheehan, Yes Equality spokesperson said:
“We ask all people voting YES to plan their day around the time they expect to vote next Friday. People who plan how and when to vote are 30% more likely to actually cast their ballot. Every individual vote will matter in securing the passage of the Marriage Equality Referendum. We need each and every person who is voting Yes to use their vote. The only poll that matters is the one next Friday, May 22nd.”
“As well as planning a voting time, we ask people to talk to family and friends about their plan for voting. Every person in Ireland voting Yes has the chance to be part of a movement which makes marriage and Irish family life more inclusive for all citizens.”
“We’re in the final days of what has been a respectful and energised campaign across Ireland. The generosity and goodness of Irish people has been reported from every corner of our country. We now need every supporter to do one simple act of kindness, vote Yes on May 22.”
Media Contact: Andrew Hyland, andrew@yesequality.ie, 087 9088 322
Today’s Your Yes Matters initiative asks people to plan how they’ll vote on Friday May 22. The website www.getmetothevoteontime.com allows users to enter their mobile phone number and time they intend to vote. They will then get two text reminders to vote, one the day before the referendum, and the other an hour before they plan to vote.
The launch took place on Sunday 17th May 2015 at midday, under Cleary’s clock on Dublin’s O’Connell Street.
Photos will be filed to picture desks by Paul Sharp of Sharp Pix. Contact: 0866689087