Yes Equality have launched a free mobile ‘Yes Equality’ App to support Get Out The Vote activity across social media.
Brian Sheehan, Co-Director of Yes Equality said:
“We’re calling on all those on social media to take a ‘Selfie for Yes’ through the new Yes Equality app and share across social media, and set up reminders to vote on Friday May 22nd.”
“More than any other referendum in Ireland, social media has played a huge role in engaging new and younger voters. So far over 130,000 uploads have uploaded Yes Equality twibbons on Facebook and Twitter. Our register to vote appeal which was driven primarily by social media resulted in approximately 40,000 new voters registering.”
The new Yes Equality app, available on all platforms, matches new technology with the enthusiasm of these new voters and provides both information on voting and innovative ways for people to demonstrate their support for a Yes vote.
“The Yes Equality app reaches out to new and younger voters, helping to capture that enthusiasm and supports their commitment to get out and vote on May 22nd.
The App is available on Apple, Android and Windows devices, and was developed by a group of Yes Equality volunteers from the Irish tech community. It is a handy tool which gives them all the information they need to vote, plus helpful reminders
Editors note:
The App contains information on voting and push notifications, which will send the user a reminder to vote the day before, and the day of the Referendum, as well as the ability to share all this on social media. This can also be taken off line as users can remind their whole family and friends to vote on May 22nd and encourage a bigger turnout.
The Apps are available to download now from the Apple App Store, Android on Google Play and the Windows Phone Store.
Link to the promo video here.
Links to Apps:
Apple iTunes here.
Android Play Store here.
Windows Phone Store here.