Launch of Faith in Marriage Equality
15 Feb 2015
Religious Faith Based Group Supports Yes Vote in the Forthcoming Referendum
A group of religious faith based people and organisations have formed to call for a yes vote in the forthcoming Marriage Equality Referendum.
“Faith in Marriage Equality” (FiME) is comprised of persons from a range of faith backgrounds who have come together under the Charter of Faith in Marriage Equality.
The faith organisations who have endorsed Faith in Marriage Equality include the Catholic groups; - 'We are Church Ireland' and 'Gay Catholic Voice Ireland' and the Church of Ireland group 'Changing Attitude Ireland'.
Speaking at the launch outside the civil registration office in Dublin on Sunday 15th February, Dr Richard O'Leary said, “We of Faith in Marriage Equality have come together from a variety of faith backgrounds to support those loving, committed, same sex couples who wish to enter civil marriage without distinction as to their gender”
Faith in Marriage Equality have launched a 4 point Charter to give the reasons why people of religious faith should support same sex marriage.
The Faith in Marriage Equality Charter states that:-
We are all equal under God, whether we are heterosexual or gay. Faith leaders should not marginalise or exclude people who are gay rather they should promote equality and inclusion.
People of faith understand that marriage is based on the values of love and commitment. This is the case for heterosexual and same sex couples, whether the marriage involves children or not.
Faith institutions already distinguish between civil and religious marriage. While it is proper that faith leaders govern their members' access to religious marriage, they should not seek to prevent access to civil marriage.
People of faith can exercise their freedom of conscience to vote yes to civil marriage in this referendum, as was done to permit civil divorce twenty years ago.
Further information on Faith in Marriage Equality can be found at