Gay Family Values - Support for 'No on 1'

12 Oct 2009

A family in California support 'No on 1', Maine's Campaign to keep marriage equality. To see their video, click here.

Background to 'No on 1'

In May 2009 the state of Maine voted on "An Act to Promote Marriage Equality and Affirm Religious Freedom" (Public Law Chapter 82), which was passed by the Maine State Legislature and signed by Governor John Baldacci. In voting to pass this law same-sex couples were granted marriage equality.

The law was scheduled to take effect September 12, 2009, but has been challenged by opponents of same-sex marriage via the Maine Same-Sex Marriage People's Veto. Members of the group behind this effort collected a sufficient number of signatures to place the measure on the November ballot. This means that the law will not go into effect until and unless a statewide vote of the people approves it. The vote will take place on 3 November 2009.

For further information on the "No on 1/Protect Maine Equality" Campaign, please visit their website at: