Wedding Breakfast Appeal
Click here to download our Wedding Breakfast Appeal Guide
So you've heard of a wedding reception, you've probably been to a few yourself, you can't have one if you're lesbian or gay, but you'd like to think that one day soon, marrying your partner will be an option.
Back in the day, a wedding reception was actually called a wedding breakfast. No prizes for guessing why, it was held in the morning.
But how can you help? MarriagEquality are hoping you'll take up the gauntlet and have a wedding breakfast (lunch or dinner) and help to raise much needed funds to help bring civil marriage for lesbians and gay men one step closer.
It's as simple as inviting six or more friends over to your aparment, house, caravan or tent (you get the idea) for a breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, asking for a minimum donation
of €20 each and hey presto, you've just successfully fundraised for MarriagEquality.
We're thinking Sex in the City chic or L Word cool; young, middling or worldly! We want you to have fun, no stress about what to cook, emphaisis on having a laugh.
If you're not a dab hand in the kitchen then have a coffee morning with tea/coffee and scones; pancakes if you're feeling adventurous.
A luncheon, why not a yummy salad with crusty breads?
Dinner, does a sunday roast seem like a possibility?
And if none of this takes your fancy there's always take-away!!
If you think this is a runner, you might find that on the actual day, guests want to know more about civil marriage for the LGBTQ community.