Organisation's messages of support for MarriagEquality
Amnesty International
Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is a human rights violation. Amnesty International has called upon all Governments to end discrimination in civil marriage laws on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and recognise families of choice, across borders where necessary. Amnesty International Ireland is happy to support MarriagEquality in their campaign for legislative equality for LGBT People in Ireland.
BeLonG To Youth Project
As an organisation we believe strongly in the right of lesbian and gay people to access civil marriage. We believe that in this area only full and equal access to marriage and the rights, protections and responsibilities which come with it, provides equality for gay and lesbian people.
Young people continue to be affected by the stereotype which says that gay people cannot have lasting relationships. This stereotype is borne from the fact that we can't marry!
When a straight young person imagines being 40 they are likely to see themselves as being happily married with kids. A gay young person is not allowed to imagine this.
A young person should be allowed to imagine a future of infinite possibilities. But for a gay young person those possibilities are finite. There are certain things that by law they are just not allowed to do.
We believe that the enactment of civil marriage for gay and lesbian people would have a very real impact on the lives of lesbian and gay young people growing up in Ireland today. It would send a clear message to those who would harass them, that being gay is ok, and it would tell the gay or lesbian young person themselves that Ireland values and respects them equally.
For these reasons we are delighted to support your campaign.
Diversity & Equality Works
Diversity & Equality Works specialise in providing Diversity, Equality and Disability Awareness training to the corporate, public and voluntary sector. Through our services we hope to assist in the creation of an inclusive Irish work environment and society.
Diversity & Equality Works fully support MarriagEquality and commend all their endeavours in campaigning for Civil Marriage for Gay and Lesbian people in Ireland. We sincerely hope that through MarriagEquality's efforts, Gay and Lesbian people can enjoy true equality by being able to formalize their unions and finally gain the recognition of the Irish Law and its society.
Dublin Lesbian Line
Dublin Lesbian Line is strongly committed to the campaign for equal marriage. As well as offering a listening and support service, Dublin Lesbian Line are continually looking for ways to advocate for the women who use our service, and to work socially to ensure that the issues callers talk about to us do not go ignored. We believe that Civil Partnership only goes some way to addressing the lack of legal rights and entitlements that exists for the same-sex couples we talk to, and only serves to heighten the sense of isolation and exclusion that so many lesbian and bi-sexual women experience here in Ireland by its insistence that LGBTQ people are treated differently to the heterosexual community. Most importantly, the Civil Partnership Bill refuses to acknowledge the hundreds of same-sex parents and prospective parents that we talk to on a weekly basis, and provides no protection for their children. On behalf of all the women who access our service, and for ourselves as lesbian and bi-sexual women, we call on this government to honour its commitment to equality fully, not in half-measures.
European Anti-Poverty Network
EAPN Ireland recognizes this as a fundamental equality issue, and in particular that the lack of legal rights has specific implications for the fight against poverty and social exclusion. We believe that this campaign presents an opportunity to create a more inclusive society and overcome one of the barriers to the fight against poverty and exclusion. In that context the EAPN Ireland board is happy to endorse this campaign and wishes you every success in the coming months and years.
Free Legal Advice Centre
As an organisation which promotes equal access to justice for all, FLAC believes that the ban on marriage equality for gay people serves no legitimate purpose. By not extending equal marriage rights to gay and lesbian people who wish to marry, they are being discriminated against and being denied their fundamental human rights and equal treatment in the law with heterosexual people.
Irish Association of Social Workers
At the Irish Association of Social Workers AGM in April (2009), a motion was passed "supporting the government's intent to legislate for gay and lesbian relationships and calling on the government to implement without delay legislation for full marriage equality for gay and lesbian relationships".
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
The ICCL is very happy to be associated with the work of MarriagEquality and strongly believes that only the introduction of civil marriage for same-sex couples will achieve full equality of status with opposite-sex couples.
National Women's Council of Ireland Women
The NWCI calls on the Government to legislate for equal access to civil marriage for lesbian and gay couples as a matter of equality and fairness in light of the NWCI's mission as set out in the 2006-2010 Strategic Plan, to promote equality, human rights and empowerment for all women and as part of the NWCI's work towards an Ireland where all women and men have equal power to shape society and their own lives.
NASC, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre, fully supports MarriagEquality's campaign to secure the right to civil marriage for same-sex couples. As an organisation working with immigrants we are acutely aware of the importance of equal rights and wish every success to the campaign.
From sOUTh LGBT Waterford, we would like to send a message in support of civil marriage for gay and lesbian couples. In our work towards equality, democracy and awareness rising for LGBT individuals, we believe that it is a matter of justice and equality that lesbian and gay individuals have the right to decide whether or not they want to get married, the same way heterosexual couples do. Full civil marriage for same-sex couples means basic legal benefits in terms of property, custody, paternity, health, inheritance and, green light to full equality and recognition for gay and lesbian couples in society. As somebody one said... get up, and stand up for your rights!
All people regardless of race, gender, religious belief or sexual orientation should be entitled to the same protection and privileges under the law. The protection of children is paramount at all times regardless of the parenting circumstances in which children may find themselves. Issues such as next of kin, custody, access and guardianship for children of same-sex unions should be clarified as a matter of urgency.
Other supportive organisations:
- Doras Buí - One Parent Families
- Irish Traveller Movement - Travellers Rights
- L.Inc - Lesbian Support Centre
- Listowel Family Resource Centre - Family Support
- OPEN - One Parent Families
- The Rainbow Project - LGBT Organisation