News Archive

  1. Fingal LEADER Partnership: New LGBT Support Group [Irish News] - Issued 17 May 2010
  2. Your Family Needs You [Irish News] - Issued 10 May 2010
  3. Gay Marriage Bill clears another hurdle in Argentina [International News] - Issued 7 May 2010
  4. Lithuanian Court bans Baltic Pride [Irish News] - Issued 6 May 2010
  5. Marriage Equality Hero of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 4 May 2010
  6. Former Argentine President To Vote In Favor Of Gay Marriage [International News] - Issued 4 May 2010
  7. Thank you to NCAD LGBT Society [Irish News] - Issued 27 Apr 2010
  8. Finland: Parliament Could Consider Gay Marriage, Adoption in 2011 [International News] - Issued 26 Apr 2010
  9. Nepal: Gay Marriage Law Working Through Parliament [International News] - Issued 22 Apr 2010
  10. Challenge to California Same-Sex Marriage Ban Could Have Global Impact [International News] - Issued 19 Apr 2010
  11. Portugal: Constitutional Court Approves Gay Marriage Law [International News] - Issued 12 Apr 2010
  12. April Marriage Equality Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 8 Apr 2010
  13. Refuting the Naysayers: First Anniversary of Marriage in Iowa and other 'Unlikely' Victories [International News] - Issued 6 Apr 2010
  14. 47 European countries unanimously agree on historic human rights recommendations for lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people [International News] - Issued 31 Mar 2010
  15. Ógra Fianna Fáil publish their position paper in support of marriage equality [Irish News] - Issued 26 Mar 2010
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(587 items)