News Archive

  1. US - Brighton legislation supports same-sex couples [International News] - Issued 22 Jul 2009
  2. Ireland's "Harvey Milk" says marriage equality fight must go on [International News] - Issued 22 Jul 2009
  3. Marriage Equality discussed on TV3's Midday Show [Irish News] - Issued 21 Jul 2009
  4. Miriam Meets Colm O'Gorman [Irish News] - Issued 13 Jul 2009
  5. Mother's letter to Minister Dermot Ahern [Irish News] - Issued 9 Jul 2009
  6. Pride Watch - Marching for Equality [Press Release] - Issued 9 Jul 2009
  7. Michele Ann Kelly - July's MarriagEquality Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 7 Jul 2009
  8. Government Short Change Lesbians and Gay Men with Civil Partnership Bill [Press Release] - Issued 26 Jun 2009
  9. Michele Ann Kelly links MarriagEquality and Money Back Guaranteed Tour with her new single ‘Time’ [Irish News] - Issued 23 Jun 2009
  10. Gay couples in US can use married names on passports [International News] - Issued 22 Jun 2009
  11. Gay marriage campaign launched in Portugal [International News] - Issued 15 Jun 2009
  12. June's MarriagEquality Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 9 Jun 2009
  13. New Hampshire Becomes Sixth US State to Achieve Marriage Equality [International News] - Issued 4 Jun 2009
  14. Hundreds march for gay marriage in central California [International News] - Issued 2 Jun 2009
  15. No Right to a Civil Rite [International News] - Issued 2 Jun 2009
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(587 items)