News Archive

  1. AMA makes the case for ending marriage discrimination [International News] - Issued 28 Jun 2011
  2. NY State legalises gay marriage [International News] - Issued 25 Jun 2011
  3. Council of Europe launches its first and the comprehensive European study on the human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people to date [International News] - Issued 23 Jun 2011
  4. LGBT Parenthood Survey [Irish News] - Issued 21 Jun 2011
  5. Nepal hosts first public lesbian wedding ceremony [International News] - Issued 20 Jun 2011
  6. Republican Senator: 'F**k It,' Gays Should Marry [International News] - Issued 20 Jun 2011
  7. Historic Decision at the United Nations: Human Rights Council Passes First-Ever Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity [International News] - Issued 20 Jun 2011
  8. Remember the diversity of families this Father's Day [Press Release] - Issued 17 Jun 2011
  9. GetUp and Australian Marriage Equality win charity auction to have same-sex couples dine with the Prime Minister [International News] - Issued 16 Jun 2011
  10. New York Assembly approves marriage equality [International News] - Issued 16 Jun 2011
  11. Civil Partnership Does Not Deliver Equality For Citizens [Press Release] - Issued 13 Jun 2011
  12. Children of same sex couples in a legal vacuum [Press Release] - Issued 2 Jun 2011
  13. Please help us tell Rory's story [Irish News] - Issued 2 Jun 2011
  14. Marriage Equality's June Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 1 Jun 2011
  15. GAZE Absolut short documentary on public / private displays of affection - call out for participants [Irish News] - Issued 25 May 2011
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(587 items)