News Archive

  1. A new video asks LGBT people, friends and allies ‘What does equal marriage mean to you? [Irish News] - Issued 2 Sep 2014
  2. Mothers for marriage equality’ [Irish News] - Issued 1 Sep 2014
  3. Why Equal Marriage Matters [Irish News] - Issued 16 Aug 2014
  4. Panti gears up for Big Gay Sing [Irish News] - Issued 5 Jun 2014
  5. UN Secretary General advocates for equality for all families on International Family Day’ [Press Release] - Issued 16 May 2014
  6. ILGA - Malta adopts same-sex civil union law [International News] - Issued 14 Apr 2014
  7. Support for same-sex marriage increasing, poll finds [Irish News] - Issued 7 Apr 2014
  8. NELFA welcomes European parliament resolution calling on free movement for all families [Irish News] - Issued 7 Apr 2014
  9. Married couple Vivian Cummins and Erney Breytenbach [Irish News] - Issued 3 Apr 2014
  10. Irish Times - First gay couples marry in UK at stroke of midnight [International News] - Issued 31 Mar 2014
  11. Support for Marriage Equality Holds Strong [Press Release] - Issued 21 Feb 2014
  12. Support Acting Out Raise Crucial Funds for Marriage Equality [Irish News] - Issued 19 Feb 2014
  13. Time to skip vote and legislate on gay marriage now- [Irish News] - Issued 18 Feb 2014
  14. Marriage Equality Statement in response to Publication of General Scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014 [Press Release] - Issued 31 Jan 2014
  15. LGBT Parenting Conference - Photo highlights [Irish News] - Issued 22 Jan 2014
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(587 items)