News Archive

  1. MarriagEquality Co-chair on national radio - listen here [Irish News] - Issued 2 Apr 2008
  2. Inequality will remain if gay & lesbian people are not allowed to marry [Press Release] - Issued 1 Apr 2008
  3. New poll shows growing support for marriage for gay & lesbian people [Press Release] - Issued 1 Apr 2008
  4. Fundraising Lunch a Success [Press Release] - Issued 31 Mar 2008
  5. Norwegian government proposes same sex marriage measure [International News] - Issued 26 Mar 2008
  6. Children must not be used as an excuse to prevent gay and lesbian marriage [Irish News] - Issued 18 Mar 2008
  7. Opponents of gay and lesbian marriage refuted in media [Irish News] - Issued 18 Mar 2008
  8. Psychoanalysts' organisation backs same-sex marriage [Irish News] - Issued 13 Mar 2008
  9. Justice Minister confirms marriage for gay and lesbian people is not on Government's agenda [Irish News] - Issued 10 Mar 2008
  10. ICTU Women's conference debates gay and lesbian marriage [Irish News] - Issued 10 Mar 2008
  11. MarriagEquality representative to speak at Cork seminar on marriage [Irish News] - Issued 4 Mar 2008
  12. MarriagEquality Co-chair sets out case for gay and lesbian marriage [Press Release] - Issued 4 Mar 2008
  13. Debate on same sex marriage continues in national media [Irish News] - Issued 28 Feb 2008
  14. Norris & Bacik table Seanad motion on gay and lesbian marriage [Irish News] - Issued 28 Feb 2008
  15. Zappone & Gilligan to address UCD Equality Society [Irish News] - Issued 27 Feb 2008
(587 items)