Have your say - a chance for you and your child to have a voice

Presently there are no concrete statistics relation to, or research on, the experiences of children with LGBT parents in Ireland. This means that both parents and children are largely ignored by both policy makers and wider society.

Marriage Equality intends on interacting with policy makers and the wider public to challenge their perception of LGBT parents and their children.

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out that children should be free to have opinions in all matter affecting them, and that those opinions should be given due weight. This means that children have the right to be heard and to have their views taken seriously.

To honour the spirit of the Convention, we are inviting adult children (18+) of LGBT parents to participate in a focus group workshop, the results of which we hope to share with policy makers so they act on behalf of our children.

The workshops will provide a safe space for the adult children of LGBT families to share their experiences and opinions on growing up with LGBT parents.

The workshops will take place on November 21st and anyone interested in participating or getting more information should contact Dawn on 01 6599 459 or email dawn@marriagequality.ie.