Tantamount to Marriage Equality's commitment to securing civil marriage rights for same-sex couples, is our determination to help secure equal rights and protections for LGBT parents and their children.
As you will no doubt be aware, the Government's proposed Civil Partnership scheme failed miserably in resolving any issues pertaining to LGBT parents and their children. This essentially means that the children of LGBT parents are neither recognised nor protected by the State. In addition, non-biological parents are left our in the cold with no parental responsibilities or entitlements.
Marriage Equality is here for LGBT parents and their children; we will support you however we can. Some of this work will be through the lobbying of our politicians and policy makers. Engaging with the public so they are provided with accurate information on same-sex families rather than those from right-wing scaremongers is another way we would like to move this debate on and into a positive light.
You can join this movement for change by contacting us today and telling your story. Your privacy is our utmost priority so contact us with peace of mind on 01 873 4183 or dawn@marriagequality.ie.
Below is some information which we hope will help answer some of your questions. In addition, we have provided some links to web resources which we found to be invaluable.
- ILGA Europe: www.ilga-europe.org
- Human Rights Campaign: www.hrc.org
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission: www.iglhrc.org