A Special Message of Support for Katherine & Ann Louise
From Ann Moore, the BC Marriage Commissioner who married Katherine and Ann Louise in September, 2003
"Please tell Katherine and Ann Louise that I think of them so often. They are indeed two unique and beautiful women and I remember joyously their wedding in my home, their graciousness, their friendship and their lovely family and friends who came from Ireland and the US to join them for the ceremony. All of them spoke to commemorate this important occasion and Katherine and Ann Louise also spoke of their gratitude to Canada for making same sex marriages legal in this country.
I remember their story of how they met at Boston University, their decision to live together in Ireland and how they hoped they would someday be influential in turning the tide related to same sex marriages in Ireland. Their voices I know would be strong ones and their commitment unwavering. It does not surprise me that because of Katherine and Anne Louise and their dedication to a cause that is right and just, that a vigorous organisation has formed around equal marriage rights for those living in Ireland, and I whole heartedly lend my distant support to this worthy and necessary cause. I say 'distant' only because of my geographical location; however, in my heart and mind I am present. It is my fervent wish and hope that their efforts, and yours, will be fruitful.
The name "Just Love" is the perfect name for your campaign for surely, what is most necessary in this world, is the freedom to love and be loved, without judgement or sanction.
I do indeed "SAY YES TO LOVE".
Send my love to Ann Louise and Katherine.
Warm regards, Ann"