Statement from Dr. Ann Louise Gilligan and Senator Katherine Zappone regarding their Court Case
24 Oct 2011

Statement from Dr. Ann Louise Gilligan and Senator Katherine Zappone regarding their Court Case
We are deeply disappointed, though equally respectful of, the Supreme Court's decision to disallow our request to amend the statement of claim to challenge directly the constitutionality of Section 2.2 of the Civil Registration Act 2004. This Act, passed by members of the Oireachtas, prohibits marriage between couples of the same-sex.
We wish to state clearly that we will continue with our court case.
We will begin immediate consultation with our legal team to determine the best route for a successful outcome.
We believe that the constitutional issue of the human right to marry the partner of one's choice is a matter of utmost public interest. We are undeterred in our determination to seek and to receive a successful judicial decision.
October 23, 2011