News Archive

  1. Who is your Person of the Year? [Irish News] - Issued 24 May 2011
  2. Marriage Equality warmly welcomes Dr Katherine Zappone's appointment to Seanad Éireann [Press Release] - Issued 23 May 2011
  3. ECJ - Equal Treatment of Same-Sex Couples [International News] - Issued 16 May 2011
  4. Ireland ranked only 16th in Europe when it comes to rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people [Press Release] - Issued 16 May 2011
  5. LGBT Minds: A Study of LGBT Experiences of Mainstream Mental Health Services in Ireland [Irish News] - Issued 16 May 2011
  6. Launch of ILGA Europe's contribution to the Green Paper on Freedom of Movement and Relationship Recognition for LGBTI people across Europe [International News] - Issued 11 May 2011
  7. Brazil Supreme Court awards gay couples new rights [International News] - Issued 6 May 2011
  8. Marriage Equality’s May Advocates of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 4 May 2011
  9. British Royal Wedding audiences urged to support marriage equality [International News] - Issued 29 Apr 2011
  10. A Wedding Card for Prince William and Kate [International News] - Issued 26 Apr 2011
  11. Marriage Equality wants YOU to vote in the Seanad Elections! [Irish News] - Issued 19 Apr 2011
  12. TENI welcomes Equality Tribunal Decision on Transgender Case [Irish News] - Issued 19 Apr 2011
  13. Uruguay Moving To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage [International News] - Issued 11 Apr 2011
  14. Marriage Equality's Director on Sunshine FM [Irish News] - Issued 29 Mar 2011
  15. Survey shows same sex couples believe Government is on the right track to legislating for marriage equality [Press Release] - Issued 28 Mar 2011
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(587 items)