News Archive

  1. International Women's Day - Statement from the European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT Rights [International News] - Issued 8 Mar 2011
  2. Marriage Equality calls on new Government to recognise civil marriage rights for same sex couples following this weekend's Red C Poll [Press Release] - Issued 7 Mar 2011
  3. Sydney Mardi Gras says 'yes' to gay marriage [International News] - Issued 7 Mar 2011
  4. Mexico City records 700 gay weddings in first year [International News] - Issued 7 Mar 2011
  5. Marriage Equality is looking for couples and families for a new media campaign [Irish News] - Issued 4 Mar 2011
  6. Marriage Equality's Director on Shannonside FM and Northern Sound [Irish News] - Issued 1 Mar 2011
  7. Sign the Claiming our Future petition for more women in politics [Irish News] - Issued 1 Mar 2011
  8. Marriage Equality’s March Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 1 Mar 2011
  9. Programme for Government - Keep the pressure on new TDs [Irish News] - Issued 28 Feb 2011
  10. Rights Watchdog Comments on Storm Surrounding Creighton's Anti-Equality Remarks [Irish News] - Issued 24 Feb 2011
  11. More than six in 10 now want same-sex marriage legalised [Irish News] - Issued 24 Feb 2011
  12. US gay marriage ban: US government drops defence of law [International News] - Issued 24 Feb 2011
  13. Congratulations to all couples registering Civil Partnerships! [Irish News] - Issued 21 Feb 2011
  14. Marriage Equality's Election Manifesto Review [Irish News] - Issued 16 Feb 2011
  15. 80-Year-Old Iowa Grandma Speaks Out for Marriage Equality [International News] - Issued 16 Feb 2011
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(587 items)