News Archive

  1. Marriage Equality echoes calls for politicians to heed public opinion and end discrimination [Press Release] - Issued 10 Aug 2011
  2. Authority wants to see gay marriage [Irish News] - Issued 10 Aug 2011
  3. Lesbian couple saved 40 teenagers in Norway massacre [International News] - Issued 4 Aug 2011
  4. Suquamish Tribe approves same-sex marriage [International News] - Issued 3 Aug 2011
  5. Marriage Equality's August Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 3 Aug 2011
  6. Marriage Equality urges TDs and Senators to commit to equality for same sex couples and their families [Press Release] - Issued 26 Jul 2011
  7. First New York couples wed under new same-sex marriage law [International News] - Issued 25 Jul 2011
  8. Just Love? - Marriage Equality launches urgent public funding appeal [Press Release] - Issued 22 Jul 2011
  9. Citizenship Amendment follows intensive research by rights groups [Irish News] - Issued 19 Jul 2011
  10. Re-launched website aims to show why marriage equality matters to couples and families [Press Release] - Issued 15 Jul 2011
  11. Gender Recognition Possible but Problematic [Irish News] - Issued 14 Jul 2011
  12. Chilean President Sebastián Piñera Ready To Introduce Gay Unions Bill [International News] - Issued 13 Jul 2011
  13. New York Marriage Law Expected to Increase Adoptions [International News] - Issued 13 Jul 2011
  14. Spain: At Least 18,600 Gay/Lesbian Couples Have Wed [International News] - Issued 12 Jul 2011
  15. Nepal Constitution Aims High [International News] - Issued 11 Jul 2011
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(587 items)