News Archive

  1. Iceland PM weds as gay marriage legalised [International News] - Issued 28 Jun 2010
  2. European Court of Human Rights: "a cohabiting same-sex couple living in a stable de facto partnership, falls within the notion of "family life", just as the relationship of a different-sex couple in the same situation would." [International News] - Issued 24 Jun 2010
  3. Government withdraws transgender appeal [Irish News] - Issued 21 Jun 2010
  4. German court: Gay marriage is only 'partnership' [International News] - Issued 16 Jun 2010
  5. Iceland passes gay marriage law in unanimous vote [International News] - Issued 15 Jun 2010
  6. March with Marriage Equality and LGBT Noise at Dublin Pride [Press Release] - Issued 8 Jun 2010
  7. Portugal: Lesbian Couple is First to Get Married [International News] - Issued 8 Jun 2010
  8. Portugal: Soccer Star Ronaldo Supports Gay Marriage [International News] - Issued 3 Jun 2010
  9. Marriage Equality June Heroes of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 1 Jun 2010
  10. National Campaign Launched to Improve Visibility For Lesbian and Gay Families Living in Ireland [Press Release] - Issued 1 Jun 2010
  11. Good news about Stamp Duty & Civil Partners – an update [Irish News] - Issued 21 May 2010
  12. Malawi gay couple found guilty of 'unnatural acts' [International News] - Issued 18 May 2010
  13. Thousands march for same-sex marriage across Australia [International News] - Issued 17 May 2010
  14. Malawi gay couple who 'married' face harsh prison sentences [International News] - Issued 17 May 2010
  15. Fingal LEADER Partnership: New LGBT Support Group [Irish News] - Issued 17 May 2010
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(587 items)