Be a stylish part of the fight for marriage equality!
2011 has been a busy year for Marriage Equality, and there is so much important work left to be done. Pride festivals are happening up and down the country, and LGBT Noise's March for Marriage is happening on Sunday, August 14th. We had huge successes at Dublin Pride with our "Marriage Is..." shirts (see photo above), and were so proud to march in a sea of bright purple through the Dublin streets.
By making a donation to Marriage Equality, you'll be helping us to continue our campaign to deliver marriage equality and basic human rights to same sex couples, our families and our children.
And now, for a donation of €20.00 or more, you can have your very own "Marriage Is..." t-shirt, so you can show everyone that marriage equality matters to you!
- Download and complete the order form in Word or PDF format.
- Make your donation (€20.00 or more) via PayPal or MyCharity.
- Email your t-shirt order form to
- Download, print and complete the order form in Word or PDF format.
- Make your cheque / bank draft payable to Marriage Equality Ltd., and post it (along with your order form) to:
Marriage Equality
c/o Outhouse
105 Capel Street
Dublin 1
("Marriage Is..." design created by P. Dunlop, Mojographics. Photo courtesy of B. Killoran)