Our Campaigns

From awareness raising, to Pride, to working to make same sex couples and families visible in the media, we've had some great successes with our campaigns over the years.

Click below to read more about some of our most popular campaigns, and to find out what's coming up...

2013 CC flyer

2012/2013 - The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention provides a HUGE opportunity for supporters of marriage equality to engage with the process to make it a reality. Supporters will be able to make the case for provision of equal access to marriage and to show how much support there is for it amongst the public  (this currently stands at 73% as per most recent polls).  We have a unique opportunity to inform the Convention and to ensure that a positive recommendation from it issues to Government. This is THE next step to getting marriage equality across the line. 

We’re asking you, over the next four months to contact the Oireachtas members who are sitting on the Convention to ask them two simple questions.

Click here to find out more!

 Pride Ad 2012

Pride 2012 - Marching to fill in the Missing Pieces

For Pride 2012, we wanted to show why we need to keep pushing for equality.  

Our campaign was called Marching to fill in the Missing Pieces, and highlighted the differences between Civil Partnership and civil marriage (over 160), which can be broken down in to 7 categories



2011 - Just Love?

On Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 Marriage Equality launched our Just Love? campaign. Just Love? featured posters and billboards at strategic locations across Dublin city, as well as being distributed online, and nationwide through print media. The posters showed real couples and families, and highlighted the continued, urgent need for equality for same-sex couples, our families and our children.

 marriage is - women

Pride 2011:  Marriage Is...

Our theme for Pride 2011 was "Marriage Is..." We had t-shirts and posters (featuring these super-cute images by Mojographics!) with a blank space at the bottom that supporters were able to fill in with their messages of what marriage means to them. Many people said marriage is love, or family, or basic human rights, or equality.

To Do Election List

2011 General Election - To Do List

During the General Election, Marriage Equality's "To Do List" campaign asked supporters to make their voices heard when candidates and canvassers came to the door.  Supporters were encouraged to do 3 things:

  1. Ask candidates if they are in favour of equality and support the introduction of marriage rights for lesbian and gay couples.
  2. Follow up these questions with a direct email to candidates
  3. Feed back any responses to Marriage Equality.
 Trish, Conor

2010 - We Are Family

We Are Family was a groundbreaking national poster campaign launched in June 2010 which gave visibility to same-sex families living in Ireland. The posters depict real couples, some with children, some without, showing that these families exist in Ireland and calling on members of the public to help us secure equal rights for them. We Are Family illustrates that lesbian and gay families are already part of the diverse family fabric of Ireland.  The posters were carried by Dublin Bus and Libraries, Family Resource Centres and Community Information Centres nationally.