Supporter Survey 2012 - TD Campaign
The top reasons for not signing up to our "Out To Your TD" campaign are...
Didn't know about it
Read more about our TD campaign and how it's making a difference here.
Not registered or legally allowed to vote (living abroad, not an Irish citizen, etc)
Not sure if you're registered to vote? Check the Register of Electors - click here!
Time constraints
Of course setting up a visit with your TD takes time, but even a simple action like sending an email can make a difference. Click here to find contact details for TDs in your constituency!
Not sure what to say
Visiting your TD and sharing your story of why marriage equality matters to you can be nerve wracking alright. Have a look through our TD Pack for helpful hints and good questions to ask! And if you have any more questions, or aren't sure what to say, you can always contact us! Call 01 873 4183 or email
Since the General Election last year, most of you - 82.6% - have not visited your new TDs.
We can't even begin to stress just how important visiting your TD can be. The majority of TDs now in government are first-time TDs - that means they haven't been contacted about marriage equality before. With the Constitutional Convention coming up, we need to know how these TDs feel about the issue, and to get them informed.
Other issues raised about our "Out To Your TD" campaign?
The Marriage Equality team with Deputy John Lyons (Labour - Dublin North West)My TD is already supportive of marriage equality
That's fantastic, and the more TDs we can get on board, the better! It still doesn't hurt to go in and see supportive TDs too - if no one visits them, they don't know it's an important issue for their constituents (like you!) So call in, thank them for their support, and tell them to keep up the good work! You can also ask them to submit a Parliamentary Question around the start date of the Constitutional Convention - it's a great way to keep the pressure on.
My TD is against marriage equality
We're not going to suggest that seeing an unsupportive TD will be easy... but it CAN work! We have heard from supporters who have visited unsupportive TDs, only to learn that they are slowly coming around to the idea - your efforts are changing hearts and minds. Still not convinced? It might be easier to start with supportive TDs in your constituency, and work up to those who need a bit more information. Give us a call, or drop us an email to find out about what your TDs think! 01 873 4183 or
I am not LGBT
Our heterosexual friends and allies are incredibly important to our campaign, and TDs need to hear your voices too! Tell them how you believe in an Ireland where everyone is treated equally, regardless of who they love. Or share a story about how the marriage ban affects a friend or family member. Marriage equality isn't just a "gay rights" issue... equality affects everyone!
I don't know who my TDs are or how to find them
Check out our handy TD Locator tool on our website - just enter your constituency and it'll show you the names of your TDs, their clinics and contact details!
My TD won't return my calls / respond to my emails
We know it's frustrating, but keep trying. See if you can speak to an assistant, and ask to arrange an appointment at the TD's clinic. TDs can be extremely busy, and some arrange their clinics by appointment only, so this might be your best bet. Don't give up!