News Archive

  1. More than six in 10 now want same-sex marriage legalised [Irish News] - Issued 24 Feb 2011
  2. US gay marriage ban: US government drops defence of law [International News] - Issued 24 Feb 2011
  3. Congratulations to all couples registering Civil Partnerships! [Irish News] - Issued 21 Feb 2011
  4. Marriage Equality's Election Manifesto Review [Irish News] - Issued 16 Feb 2011
  5. 80-Year-Old Iowa Grandma Speaks Out for Marriage Equality [International News] - Issued 16 Feb 2011
  6. Washington State Lawmakers introduce Marriage Equality Bill [International News] - Issued 16 Feb 2011
  7. I Leave Here - Based on a True Story [International News] - Issued 15 Feb 2011
  8. General Election 2011 - Make Your Mark for LGBT People [Irish News] - Issued 15 Feb 2011
  9. More Women in the Dail - Petition from Claiming Our Future [Irish News] - Issued 15 Feb 2011
  10. Finnish/French lesbian couple with children urges the European Union to act [International News] - Issued 10 Feb 2011
  11. Invitation to UPR Consultation [Irish News] - Issued 8 Feb 2011
  12. Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti seeks couples [International News] - Issued 8 Feb 2011
  13. Marriage Equality’s February Advocate of the Month [MarriagEquality Advocates] - Issued 2 Feb 2011
  14. Voters encouraged to quiz candidates on marriage equality views [Press Release] - Issued 2 Feb 2011
  15. UK gay marriage challenge goes to European Court [International News] - Issued 31 Jan 2011
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(587 items)